Vegetable & Herb Seed Pack – 44 Varieties – 3 000 + Fresh Seeds


Availability: 3 in stock

Viroflay Spinach x 100

Black Beauty Eggplant x 50

Bright Light Swiss Chard x 20

Brocolli x 100

Australian Brown Onion x 100

Cape Spits Cabbage x 200

Red Creole Onions x 100

Ideal Red Carrot x 100

Cape Market Carrot x 200

Cherry Bell Radish x 100

Detroit Beetroot x 50

English Rape x 100

Spinach x 50

Great Lakes Lettuce x 100

Roma Tomato x 25

Heinz Tomato x 25

Florence Tomato x 25

Sweetcorn x 20

Snowball Cauliflower x 100

Orange Habenero x 5

Jalapeno  x 10

Golden California Wonder Pepper x 10

African Birdseye Chilli x 5

California Wonder Pepper x 10

Chinese Pak Choi x 250

Basil x 100

Chervil x 100

German Chamomile x 250

Chives x 25

Garlic Chives x 25

Flatleaf Parsley x 200

Curley Moss Parsley x 200

Oregano x 50

Red Basil x 25

Sweet Rocket x 100

Bunchy Spring Onion x 50

Thyme x 50

Cumin x 50

Spanspek x 10

Watermelon x 10

Boerpampoen x 10

Gem Squash x 10

Butternut x 10

Baby Marrow x 10


Delivery 3 – 7 Days


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